
### 中医观点:

1. **去风发汗**:中医认为姜母具有发汗解表的作用,适用于风寒感冒。
2. **开脾胃**:姜母茶有助于促进消化,缓解脾胃虚弱。
3. **温中止呕**:对于胃寒、呕吐等症状,姜母茶有一定的缓解作用。
4. **温肺止咳**:适用于咳嗽、痰多等症状。


5. **解药毒**:在中药中,姜母茶也被用作解药毒的辅助药物。

### 现代营养学观点:


1. **姜油烯**:姜含有一种叫做姜油烯的化合物,能调理干燥、失去弹性的肤质。
2. **抗氧化**:生姜中的姜辣素具有抗氧化作用,有助于增强人体免疫力。
3. **促进血液循环**:姜茶中的维生素、矿物质和氨基酸有助于改善血液循环,降低心血管疾病风险。

### 具体功效:

1. **缓解恶心反胃**:对于晕车、晕船等运动病,喝姜母茶可预防或缓解恶心呕吐。
2. **促进消化**:有助于消化和吸收食物,缓解腹胀。
3. **消炎**:缓解肌肉和关节炎症。
4. **通鼻防过敏**:缓解感冒引起的鼻塞和花粉等环境过敏导致的呼吸道症状。
5. **改善血液循环**:有助于恢复和改善血液循环,降低心血管疾病风险。
6. **减轻经期不适**:热敷下腹部可放松肌肉,减缓痛经。
7. **增强免疫系统**:姜辣素有助于增强人体免疫力,防止多种疾病。

### 注意事项:

1. **不宜多吃**:生姜性温,过多食用可能导致发热、口干、喉咙痛、便秘等。
2. **孕妇慎用**:孕妇在特殊时期应慎用姜母茶,以免对胎儿造成影响。




### 营养价值:

1. **蛋白质**:冻豆腐富含植物性蛋白质,是素食者补充蛋白质的良好来源。
2. **钙**:豆腐本身含钙量就很高,冻豆腐在冷冻过程中结构发生变化,钙质更易被人体吸收。
3. **铁**:冻豆腐中含有一定量的铁,有助于预防贫血。
4. **镁**:镁是维持心脏、神经和肌肉健康的重要矿物质。
5. **维生素**:冻豆腐含有维生素B1、B2和B6等,有助于能量代谢和神经系统健康。

### 作用:

1. **增强免疫力**:冻豆腐中的蛋白质和矿物质有助于增强人体的免疫力。
2. **促进消化**:冻豆腐中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,有助于消化。
3. **降血压**:冻豆腐中含有钾,有助于降低血压。
4. **预防心血管疾病**:冻豆腐中的植物蛋白和膳食纤维有助于降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。
5. **美容养颜**:冻豆腐中的钙质和蛋白质有助于皮肤健康,具有美容养颜的作用。




### 益处:

1. **增强免疫力**:黄芪可以增强白细胞数量,提高人体免疫力;麦冬则能滋阴润肺,共同作用能增强人体抵抗力。

2. **补气养血**:黄芪具有补气固表的作用,而麦冬能滋阴养血,两者结合有助于改善气血不足的症状。

3. **润肺止咳**:麦冬具有养阴清热、润肺止咳的功效,适合治疗肺热、燥咳等症状。

4. **调节内分泌**:黄芪有助于调节人体的内分泌系统,而麦冬能平衡阴阳,有助于内分泌系统的正常运作。


5. **降低血糖**:麦冬和黄芪泡水饮用有助于降低血糖,预防糖尿病。

6. **预防心血管疾病**:黄芪可以扩张血管,降低血压,预防中风和高血压;麦冬则有助于治疗心悸,对心血管有益。


7. **润肠通便**:黄芪和麦冬都能改善因胃阴虚有热导致的便秘症状。

8. **改善睡眠**:麦冬有养肺生津、润肺清心的功效,有助于缓解失眠多梦、夜半盗汗等症状。

### 影响:

1. **适用人群**:适用于体质虚弱、气虚、免疫力低下、易感冒、失眠、盗汗等人群。

2. **不适用人群**:对于脾胃虚寒、大便溏泻、急性感染期等患者不适宜使用。

3. **注意事项**:长期使用黄芪和麦冬泡水可能引起副作用,如口干、疼痛等,因此建议在专业中医师的指导下使用。

4. **搭配禁忌**:黄芪与麦冬性味不冲突,但与某些药材可能存在禁忌,如人参、犀牛角等,使用时应注意。



1. **保护心血管系统**:现代研究表明,益母草能够改善冠脉循环,增强心脏功能,对于心血管疾病有一定的预防和治疗作用。它能够降低血压,改善心脏供血,对心律失常也有一定的治疗作用。


2. **抗氧化、抗衰老**:益母草中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如硒、锰等微量元素,能够清除体内的自由基,抑制细胞老化,从而起到抗衰老的作用。

3. **抗疲劳**:益母草的提取物能够提高人体耐力,减轻疲劳,有助于运动员和长期工作者提高工作效率。

4. **抗炎、抗菌**:益母草具有一定的抗菌、抗炎作用,可以用于治疗皮肤感染、炎症等。

5. **改善肾功能**:益母草有利尿消肿的作用,对于肾炎、水肿等肾脏疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **抗肿瘤**:现代研究表明,益母草中的某些成分可能对癌细胞有抑制作用,具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

7. **美容养颜**:益母草中的抗氧化成分可以淡化色斑,改善皮肤质量,具有美容养颜的作用。


– 阴虚血少者
– 月经过多者
– 孕妇
– 对益母草过敏者


However, he did not expect that Lin Wenzhi was Lin Yang’s father although he was dissatisfied with Lin Yang.

Fathers all have a common problem. Only they can teach others a lesson. If they dare to say something bad, they will immediately turn against each other. Unfortunately, Lynne is not married, although he has several girlfriends, but he has never given birth to a child. He did not know that being a father has a common problem and he caught a good opportunity to belittle Lin Yang and raise himself.
"That’s enough!"
Just as he was ranting about Lin Yang’s bad times, Lin Wenzhi’s face suddenly sank and he broke his words.
"Lynne, don’t I don’t know what you did in these days. I didn’t warn you because you were too lazy to take a reason, but now you’re running to me to denigrate Yang Er. This bravery is not too big, is it? As the saying goes, it is good to know what my father’s personality is. Will I still be unclear? Have a good time? Color dogs and horses? I think these words are quite suitable for you. Don’t, I don’t know what you are doing with those actresses! "
Lynne was reprimanded and his face turned blue and white. He quickly wanted to explain "Uncle, I …"
But Lin Wenzhi root won’t give him this chance to cold drink a way "shut up! Even your father listens to me honestly when I speak, and you dare to interrupt and answer back? I really don’t know how to be humble! I’ll pick the words with you today. From now on, if you dare to slander Yang Er again and let me know, go home and live with the monthly allowance! "
After the Lin family reached the age of sixteen, they got an allowance every month, and they could live well even if they didn’t work.
But for an ambitious man like Lynne, if he is kicked home to get money, it will make him feel worse than killing him.
Although my heart is very wronged and angry, in the face of Lin Wenzhi’s strength, Lynne has no way to resist and even dare not show these emotions. He can bow his head and be filled with unwillingness.
Lin Wenzhi snorted and turned away from him.
Lynne raised his head and looked at his uncle’s distant back. His eyes were full of resentment …
Chapter 12 I give you noodles to eat?
Lin Yang in Yushan doesn’t know that there are so many people outside who are worried about him.
Even if he is in a coma, Takuya doesn’t know.
He knew that no matter how severe the spinal pain was, he had to stick to it.
It is also quite strange that this hot pain appears in the spine. Whenever he feels that he has adapted and can bear it, the hot pain will suddenly increase a little, which really makes him have no chance to catch his breath.
The spirit has always been in a state of high tension!
Gradually, this hot pain turned out to be an increase in the intensity of terror. Lin Yang felt that he was on the verge of collapse and would not stay up.
"Is this the end?" Lin Yang flashed such an idea in my mind
He is somewhat unwilling and wants to continue to hold on as long as possible …
However, just as he was about to collapse, the hot heat flow stopped flowing and concentrated in his seven cervical vertebrae.
So the burning pain disappears instantly and is replaced by a severe swelling pain.
Lin Yang felt as if he had exhausted his energy and got into his seven cervical braces crazily. They were all going to explode!
But at this moment, although Lin Yang is very painful, he is high-spirited
Because he knows that the breakthrough is about to be completed!
The cervical vertebra may explode at any time, and the feeling lasted for 7749 minutes, and then disappeared as if it had never appeared.
At the same time, an unprecedented feeling flooded Lin Yang’s mind.
He felt that his sensory abilities such as vision, hearing, smell and touch had changed dramatically compared with before.
Although his various sensory abilities have been greatly improved after he finished forging body and shaping soul, he still stayed at the level of normal people at that time. Now, when he broke through to the middle stage of Xin Zhai, these sensory abilities have far exceeded the level that ordinary people can have.
Now he can see the grain and fluff of the leaf ten meters away clearly; The subtle sound of the wind blowing leaves is also clear and audible …
The whole world is much clearer and richer at this moment.
This feeling made him very novel and made him realize the world again.
What’s more, he felt that everything in heaven and earth, whether it was rocks, vegetation or clouds and streams, seemed to be alive and related to him.
This is a wonderful feeling that there is me in heaven and earth, and there is heaven and earth in me.
Unconsciously, two lines of clear tears poured out of Lin Yang’s eyes, which was a manifestation of joy, because the whole world was different in his eyes from today.

He was in no hurry and didn’t give up exploring the surrounding area and looking for a way to the outside world.

For several years, although he did not find a way to the outside world, he found a new source of resources.
That is, there are opportunities in the storm around the sea, although it is dangerous.
By chance, he found an island in a terrorist storm. This island is very strange. It can be safe in a place where the strong are hard to live in.
Yu Guihai made some explorations and found that this island has some special protective power, which has the power of harmonious environment.
He was alert and careful in his heart, but he found a strange Lingcao growing on the island, a kind of mushroom Lingcao, which was as white as a hut with blue spots.
This kind of mushroom Lingcao is horrible and poisonous, and I feel it in the sea. Even he is very hard to get rid of it. If it is normal, it will definitely be poisoned.
However, this kind of mushroom also has a strong specific drug power. If its toxicity can be eliminated, this huge mushroom will be enough to raise the moral strength to a whole level.
Yu Guihai found a total of three mushrooms Lingcao, which were effective in the cultural environment, and he collected them all. The remaining mushrooms had not grown up and had no effect, so he didn’t collect them.
But just as he remembered the location of the island and was going to continue to study its secrets, the island suddenly flashed a strange wave, and then the whole island disappeared under his nose.
Yu Guihai left that place in a hurry on the spot.
Although he didn’t find the island again, he found another gray lotus from the center of a huge storm, which is also a treasure with great effect on the strong in the cultural environment
After that, I really relaxed a little when I returned to the sea.
He finally found the source of resources, although the number is scarce, but it is better than hope.
On this day, Yu Guihai went out again and went straight to the open sea.
He has already discovered some laws in the open sea, such as when and where the terrorist storm is more likely to appear.
He didn’t look for excitement in the terrorist storm, but he found the treasure in the center of the terrorist storm twice.
He must be afraid to look for a powerful storm in the Daoist realm, but there will be nothing like a powerful storm in the late Daoist realm that suits him best.
The chance of a treasure is not low, and it can’t cause him great danger.
Yu Guihai went all the way west this time because he calculated that there was a great chance of a terrorist storm in the western waters.
It wasn’t long before he came to the depths of the western seas, and he saw several terrorist storms in the distance, like a terrorist millstone that stood between heaven and earth, spinning and raging at a rapid speed
Although he is in the peripheral storm, he can feel the power of terror.
Yu Guihai felt it carefully for a while and quickly went towards one of the terrorist storms.
This storm is weak for the time being, and the strongest storm also has a later level of enlightenment.
If he meets the strong in the late stage of the enlightenment, it may be difficult to say whether he will win or lose, but he is comfortable in the face of the general storm of the dead.
Yu Guihai soon plunged into the scope of the terrorist storm, surrounded by powerful cultural environment. The powerful people come here and the roots will fall soon.
Although Yu Guihai is worried, the scope of exploration has been reduced to a minimum. He must judge the storm center by experience and then go in to explore the treasure.
However, after he entered the storm, he did not find that the surrounding terrorist storms suddenly converged towards him to enter this terrorist storm.
Soon the first storm approached, and the two major terrorist storms suddenly merged together, and the power suddenly increased a lot.
Chapter 19 Desperate, Strange Fish, Island, Entry
I return to the sea and walk in the storm, surrounded by terror. Every gust and rain carries a thunderous power, even if it is as strong as the Tao, I have to deal with it.
Yu Guihai holds up a light gray mask outside the body, which shines with colorful halo. The colorful halo flashes with mysterious and strange runes, which looks very mysterious and powerful.
As soon as those horrible storms outside get close to the mask, they will be hurt by a force from both sides.
Yu Guihai tried to identify the direction while flying.
Around this storm, it is dark and full of the same high wind and rain curtain. Even ordinary people can find their bearings without being hurt.
Yu Guihai is also able to judge the position by virtue of his own powerful experience in exploring this storm.
However, the storm has been moving, and the surrounding wind is always disturbing the exploration station. Every time he advances, he has to reorient his position and position his direction, so his speed is very slow.
I’m not too slow to return to the sea, because this storm is not too strong to pose a threat to him. Just keep your feet steady and explore slowly.
Go soon suddenly Yu Guihai eyebrows slightly wrinkled heart andao "no! The surrounding storm seems to have increased! "
He quickly looked around carefully, and soon his face changed slightly. The storm around him really increased a little, but the increase was not fast
Suddenly he found that while exploring this point, the storm had a perceptible increase again.
That’s not right. This increase is too fast. How is it possible? At this rate, it won’t be long before the whole storm becomes stronger than reaching the peak of enlightenment, even reaching the level of enlightenment!
"What is this?"
Yu Guihai was puzzled by the number of storms he explored. These storm bases have reached their peak and can continue to increase their power.
Although puzzled, he immediately gave up exploring and flew outside.
It’s hard to come in, but it’s simple to go out. The outside world is huge, and he can feel the force that many targets in the family can easily judge the direction and fly out
However, he didn’t go far when his face changed. Suddenly, the storm in front of him soared and instantly reached the peak of the Buddhist realm. It seems that a powerful force suddenly poured in and increased the storm.
Yu Guihai’s heart movement suddenly had a speculation.
"Didn’t these storms reach their peak before, and now they are merging with each other, and the power is getting bigger?"
Thought of here, he remembered that several terrorist storms he had seen before. Although he was not afraid of a single power, if they were all integrated, he would have said two things.
"Not good! Be quick. "
Yu Guihai quickly changed a direction to fly.
However, he soon found that the more outward the storm was, the stronger it became. He didn’t go far, and he felt the power of half a step from the outside.
This is because the storm fusion is from the periphery, but the storm periphery power grows first, while the storm center power grows slowly.
"Go back!"
Yu Guihai made a decision instantly.
He turned around at once. He wanted to go to the center of the storm, especially before the storm power grew from the periphery to the center.

Since the magic snake appeared in the field of vision, all beings in the emperor have been doomed. Well, maybe those ordinary brothers can escape some fish from the net. They are the real kings who are definitely the target of this magic weapon.

"Force to start the defense circle to inform the rear to defend" Qing Yuan Zhen Jun sink a way.
"Peak Lord?" This true gentleman looks shocked and puzzled.
"Stupid! You and I can’t escape. Go and start a large array of forces. Now we can only survive until the arrival of the bodhi old zu! " Qing yuan Zhen jun thundered
This true gentleman panicked and led his life away.
Just then, a familiar voice came, "Don’t panic, it’s me."
Qing Yuan Zhen Jun was suddenly overjoyed. "It’s the bodhi old zu coming. Come back and don’t start the law."
Then he also regardless of scratching their heads, the true gentleman flew up towards the wall.
Soon the magic snake came near Qingyuan Zhenjun, and it was only then that he could see the appearance clearly. This magic snake had a one-horned mouth with two long beards and four bulging parts to give birth to limbs.
This is not a magic snake. This is a dragon! Magic dumpling!
Suddenly he saw a figure in the magic dumpling head looking very familiar.
He rubbed his eyes and looked at it carefully, and suddenly his heart was shocked!
"The ancestors are so horrible!"
Then things were simple. Yu Guihai told the magic dumpling to guard the imperial capital, Qing Yuan Zhen Jun, to sit back and relax after smiling from ear to ear!
Yu Guihai has to return to Zongmen with peace of mind.
A few months later, a stalwart figure rose from the top of the mountain and was covered with Lei Guang’s blow to the sky!
The terrorist robbery cloud that raged for a long time was blown away by a punch.
"Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~"
Yu Guihai’s face is full of laughter, like a demon!
After getting the magic Luo Shu, after several months of ripening, he finally got a material of Hua Shen Dan and refined it into a Hua Shen Dan, directly upgrading himself to the ninth floor of Hua Shen period.
His whole body reiki crazy roll the whole cloud are peak reiki was he directly absorb light he instantaneous peak.
One step away from the mating period!
The protective large array quickly gathered aura and soon returned to its original state.
Yu Guihai landed directly on the peak of Yunmiao and came to Yunmiao Hall.
He wants to see if he can inherit any fairy method.
Fueling Xuanzang, a star appeared at the gate of Qiyun Mitang.
Suddenly, two stars fell straight in front of them, and the tiny light spots were different. These two stars were actually very huge.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
Yu Guihai suddenly found that there were several cracks in the violent shock in front of him, and it was broken at the top of Yunmiao Peak.
Whoosh ~ ~ ~
Two stars blink into the eye and return to the sea. When my eyes turn black, I suddenly feel that the Yuan God is in great pain. A stream of terrorist information is instilled and instantly fills the Yuan God and almost bursts.
After struggling for a long time, Yu Guihai finally stopped. His eyes were open, his face was pale, his body was crumbling and he was sweating all over, and he was weak.
He has never felt so tired in years.
His Yuan God was so consumed that he was hit hard. If it is a panacea, I am afraid it will be difficult to recover for decades.
I didn’t expect Yu Guihai to fall into such a situation because I inherited two fairy methods.
However, he soon learned the reason, because these two fairy methods are really not simple.
One of them is the combination of Yin and Shen, which is the authentic fairy method in the combination period
This side of the world has already declined, and the power of Fana’s integration period can’t even be in the integration period.
Yu Guihai’s immortal method will consume a lot, but it will not be so badly hit, because it was immediately swallowed up by heaven and earth.
If it were generalized, Godsworn Peak would have died in an instant.
Yu Guihai’s strength far exceeds that of the same order Yuan Shen, which is more powerful than simply resisting the heaven and earth and inheriting the fairy method.
However, he also practiced this immortal method, and even the shape interface has a name, so he added some points.
Another immortal method is a refining method, which is none other than Xuanzang’s primary refining method.
This is beyond Yu Guihai’s expectation. Before that, all he received was Xuanzang’s order to control Fagen from refining this treasure, but he didn’t expect that it was because he didn’t repair it enough that he inherited this primary refining practice at this time.
This method is more powerful than the combination of Yin and Shen, and it is exactly the same as the combination of Yin and Shen, which is also beyond the limit of heaven and earth.
However, this fairy method is always an auxiliary method, but it doesn’t suffer much from itself.
Moreover, this immortal method can also cultivate the graphical interface display to add points.
However, Yu Guihai’s injury to the Yuan God is also an upgrade for the time being.
But it’s not that he didn’t get anything. He learned the effect of Xuanzang’s preliminary refining.
First of all, we can fight three bodhi old zu caves and be protected by Xuanzang from the influence of the French array in the caves.
This is something he has been waiting for for for a long time.
Secondly, after preliminary refining, the protection array of Yunmiao Mountain and Fudi can be controlled and refined.
I’m surprised to see Yu Gui on the sea here.
Surface control protection large array he can understand.
But what does this large array of refining and chemical protection mean? What’s the way?

"Be assured that being original is bound to make the last effort to repay the kindness of the emperor," said the old monk.

"Thank you, Buddhist. Thank you, Buddhist." The emperor was grateful to Buddhist.
"Alas, the number of days, Godsworn is the number of days, and I will not be free until Godsworn dies." Buddhist said.
Outside the capital, Yu Duxiu proudly looked at the big Ryukyu and imperial capital with a flash of divine light. "Hey, I didn’t expect that there was still a big fish hidden."
Jade Duxiu is proficient in gas-gazing and can see at a glance that there are strong people sitting in the palace.
Jade Duxiu didn’t want to make moves this time, but came to secretly plunder resources. This big Ryukyu dynasty was slightly stronger than the big Chen dynasty, but the big country was called Jade Duxiu when the big Chen dynasty gave it a taste of the sweetness. It was just about to move the big Ryukyu dynasty’s treasury when this big Ryukyu dynasty destroyed the country. I didn’t expect that this big Ryukyu dynasty’s capital had a magical generation sitting in it.
"Still need to wait, although this lucky golden dragon has failed, it can’t be underestimated. Even if it is small, it is also worthy of attention. Later, when the siege is broken, this lucky seat will instantly turn the old guy to ashes, but it is just right." As he spoke, he saw that Jade Duxiu’s figure disappeared in the virtual and disappeared.
Li Yunhui, the wall of the city, is dancing with the flag that "the three armed forces will block the four doors, and it is not yet known that the people of the imperial city of the Great Ryukyu Dynasty will walk away and behead the Emperor of the Great Ryukyu, and you will win the fate of the Emperor of the Great Ryukyu."
Although the soldiers don’t understand what luck is, they know that if they can kill the other emperor, it will certainly be beneficial to the poor.
A boiling of the armed forces, overwhelming the army, Shaqi, enveloped the capital of the Ryukyu Dynasty.
Chapter 592 Seal the gods and clear the field by
When the three armies move together, there will be a landslide to destroy the power of terror.
Millions of fanatical troops shouted and killed in the direction of the imperial city with their faces full of Shaqi, and the momentum was soaring, clamoring for more than empty clouds to change color. After this powerful impact, the dragon gas of the Ryukyu Dynasty mourned and instantly languished.
As clean as new, it has always been neat and dignified. The imperial city of Ryukyu suffered an unprecedented disaster. Facing the millions of troops, the soldiers of the imperial dynasty of Ryukyu were losing ground. Several monks shouted that the country was loyal and died on the wall.
This is the last batch of effective forces of the Daliu dynasty and the last heritage of the Daliu dynasty.
With the tragic death of several soldiers, the imperial city of Daliu has been beaten by several sergeants, and all the order in the city has been quickly controlled, and then they shouted and killed the sky and surrounded the imperial palace of Daliu.
In the crowd, I saw an old man with a ruddy face and a little white beard strolling in the army for dozens of meters. All the soldiers were close to the old man and separated their heads for several bodies behind him.
Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, catch the thief first, catch the king first.
The old man’s eyes sparkled with divine light and stared at the commanding freedom of the army. Li Yunhui’s eyes showed a little bit of murder.
To be able to kill Li Yunhui, the big Chen dynasty, was defeated by millions of troops, and the big Ryukyu dynasty took the opportunity to defeat it.
This is why the old Taoist priest thought of countermeasures and wanted to do the thing that Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin. He directly beheaded the enemy leader and cut off the other side’s command, making the other side’s army a mess, so that he had a chance to defeat and win.
Seeing the distance from Li Yunhui getting closer and closer, I suddenly heard a warm word behind me, "Please stay, friends."
I don’t know that the Taoist priest heard this and his magic was instantly dispersed. He couldn’t help but stop in the same place and turned his head to look behind him, only to see a young Taoist priest with his hands behind him ten paces away. The surrounding soldiers were turbulent, but they seemed to be in another world. The soldiers turned a blind eye to them and turned a deaf ear.
Looking at the road flyover, I felt the clouds and the jade show on the other side’s head. When I knew I was looking at the air outside the city, I saw this person. This person was also the last master of the Ryukyu Dynasty, and the rest didn’t give jade show any attention.
"Dare to ask the chief to stop being original?" Looking at the young man who is warm and jade-like, this monk has a bad feeling that his beheading will be ruined.
Jade Duxiu smiled gently, "Being original, peaceful and wonderful, has seen friends."
"Jade Duxiu" heard the number of Jade Duxiu Road, and the old man suddenly shrank his pupil and looked instantly awe-inspiring.
"It is being original" Jade Duxiu puts her hands behind her.
"I don’t know if my friend stopped me for something?" The old man’s playing dumb doesn’t seem to mean anything.
"Now that the clearing is coming to an end, I don’t want to do the killing. It’s not impossible to ask Daoyou to leave here, even if you let Daoyou live. After all, it’s better for heaven to have a good life and be original. It’s better for Tianxin to do less killing." Jade Duxiu looked at the old man, although it was to discuss words, but it had an unquestionable taste
The old man actually smiled when he heard Yu Duxiu’s words. "The cave owner said that he was old-fashioned in body and mind, but he smiled. Since the cave owner, the heavenly heart, launched a war to disrupt the middle territory, causing the terran people to be miserable. I wonder how many mortals suffered from war and died."
Jade Duxiu shook his head and turned his eyes to look at the soldiers who were constantly fighting in the distance. There was a flash of firmness in his eyes. "You don’t understand that the Terran has Kyushu. Only the Zhongyu is the center of heaven and earth, and it can only be sealed with the help of Zhongyu’s fate. In the Zhongyu seat, the list of gods will be hung up in the big Chen dynasty, which has nine grandfathers."
Speaking of this, Yu Duxiu looked at the old antique. "Is your narrow-minded seat because the big Ryukyu Dynasty offended the big Chen seat and rolled up the national war?"
"Isn’t it? The cave master is in charge of the green tour cave, and this number of sentient beings and the people at such a time have never lived in the past. If the cave master really has great compassion, he should eliminate the war, "the old saying goes.
Jade Duxiu reveals a little sneer at the corner of her mouth. "It’s a joke. If people really want this big Ryukyu dynasty to look good, there are several ways to make it so timely to destroy the country."
The antique stared blankly at Jade Duxiu, whose eyes were full of confusion at this time.
Yu Duxiu said, "That day, Li Yunhui set up a deity platform and then observed the direction of Long Mai in the middle domain, only to find that the location of this big Ryukyu dynasty was not appropriate."
Don’t wait for the old-fashioned jade Duxiu to say, "That big Chen dynasty is where Long Mai is the leader. This big Ryukyu dynasty is where Long Mai is seven inches. This big Ryukyu dynasty is built on seven inches, but it has curbed the Long Mai Qi Qi in the middle domain. It is difficult to accept the seven inches in the palm of your hand. Even the grandfathers will not allow you to sit back and watch that big Ryukyu dynasty is located in the seven inches of Shenlong."
Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu smiled coldly. "What’s worse, the evil animals in the wilderness of the Ryukyu Dynasty are unclear. This is tantamount to sealing the gods. If you can leave some ghosts in your hands, do you know what it means if the gods fail?"
Speaking of which, Jade Duxiu took her eyes to see the antique, but she saw the antique suddenly sweating on her forehead.
He naturally knows what it means to fail in sealing the gods.
The failure of sealing the gods means that all returning antiques will step into reincarnation and die. All the elites and details accumulated by human beings through the ages will be buried once, and they will be beaten by the wild for years and millions of years.
Is the Godfather the Real Struggle of Nuclear Deterrence or the Strongest Godfather?
When the old man listened to the words of Jade Duxiu, he suddenly felt a quiver in his heart, knowing that what Jade Duxiu said was not false, but he was too timid to speak.
Jade Duxiu laughed coldly. "Who can blame if this big Ryukyu dynasty runs out of its own life? If this big Ryukyu dynasty is totally clean, the dragon and tiger and the monster beast are in cahoots. Even if it is not cleared, it will not hurt, but now it is necessary to clear the land. Once there is a big problem, who will be responsible for the lives of the elite of the terrans through the ages?"
"It’s also worth counting the number of casualties caused by the war in the central region. After the death of a soldier, you can seal the gods. The ancient monks can also seal the gods. When the time comes, whether they are mortals or monks, they will be immortal. Isn’t it hello, I am good, everyone is good?" Jade Duxiu said.
In the future, it is not natural to rely on monks alone to deal with the wild. It is necessary for soldiers to seal the gods in this domain. It is a training ground to choose the most elite soldiers to forgive the heavenly soldiers and conquer the wild.
In the future, the hand of the gods can’t be without Batman. Can’t army of one be naked?
It can be said that it is beneficial and harmful for both monks and mortals to deify in Terran domain.
The most important thing is that if you want to be a deity, but not a jade show, all you have to do is have red mouth and white teeth, and you have to rely on heaven and earth to achieve good fortune.
This domain is the center of heaven and earth, and the establishment of a deity altar at its leading end is helpful to get the response from heaven and earth and increase the success of deity.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be arbitrary to worship gods in that continent but choose to be in the middle domain?
Of course, except for Jade Duxiu, I’m afraid that all the grandfathers have a little knowledge, and I vaguely feel that every step of Jade Duxiu’s arrangement is full of grandfathers or those old antiques, and I’m very nervous about Jade Duxiu’s life for fear of an accident.
Jade Duxiu is not alone if he is physically dead, but all the elites of Terran will be buried with him through the ages.
Chapter 593 Search for wealth deduction and rob eyes
"I’m the master of the cave …" The old Taoist priest heard that the secret of Jade Duxiu’s discourse was amazing and suddenly he saw sweat on his forehead. This secret can’t be said casually or listened to indiscriminately, but it will kill people if it is leaked out.
"Friends such as? Is it still a cold-blooded person? " Jade Duxiu came to the front of the antique with his hands in three or two steps.
"Being original and knowing one’s sin, the master of the cave is willing to send a total of plans to seal the gods after listening to the master of the cave in the future." The old Taoist bowed down and his face was full of sincerity.

Looking at this scene, Xie Qingcheng’s anger gradually calmed down and he felt that he had never had a good time!

Just now, even if he forcibly moves, he can’t resist the king of Yiqiu County, and the matter will go away.
However, Su Mo stepped forward first to abolish the cold fairy by thunder, and then caught the king of Yiqiu County and slapped him, which helped him get out of the evil spirit.
Moreover, it is even more cruel to be punished like this in front of the public than to kill him!
After today, the king of Yiqiu County will become a joke in the king’s room, and his position may be worse than that of him.
In fact, Su Mo’s punishment for Yi Qiu County King is not just slapping.
He controls the palm strength, and every time he smokes in the face of the king of Yiqiu County, it will also cause a certain degree of shock to Yuan Shen!
Once Yuan Shen is injured, it is extremely difficult to recover without extreme measure.
In the future, even if the king of Yiqiu County has raised the realm of injury and repair, it will be difficult to break through his head again, and problems may occur.
Su Mo, since you choose to shoot, you have to cut off the future trouble!
Yi Qiu county king, of course, there is no threat to him, but in the future, he will not make moves to thank the whole city
Actually, the king of Yiqiu County has never been pampered and pampered on weekdays. He has long been scared and stunned by Su Mo and his head has turned white.
If he was still awake, I’m afraid he would have been soft for mercy
He this bully don’t say it’s revenge in the future to see xie city have to walk around for fear of being beaten again!

Although Yun Ting is not dead, he is also flustered. His long hair has been burned. Most of him is covered with broken ice and silver armor. His face is full of carbon black and he is filled with rolling smoke.

Su Mo andao is a pity.
Yun Ting gritted his teeth and stared at Su Mo intensely. It was still a face of no.
At this time, Yun Ting’s icy silver armor changed, and many pieces scattered around him, filled with a strange force.
Chapter two thousand four Cut Tianjiao
Seeing this scene, Su Mo’s heart was carefully alert.
And Yun Ting noticed the change of ice and silver armor, and seemed to realize something. His face changed and he shouted anxiously, "I haven’t lost yet, I don’t want to go back!"
No one responded.
However, these fragments of ice and silver armor quickly collided together, and a dark tunnel was condensed in Yun Ting’s body, filled with a strong pulling force to take him away from the emperor’s grave.
Yun Ting wants to struggle, but he can’t resist the tunnel power behind him. His body is gradually swallowed up by the tunnel, but he still looks unwilling to stare at Su Mo.
He wouldn’t be so passive if he didn’t spend too much money before the battle.
The vein vision behind him will not be broken by Su Mo.
Just now, he wouldn’t be reduced to such a mess.
One move, one wrong step, one wrong step!
"Sumo, it’s hard for me to reach the peak in this grave, and you’ve got the wind, but don’t be proud that you didn’t win. It’s still unknown who wins or loses!"
Yun Ting figure almost disappeared in the tunnel with intermittent sound.
"Su Mo, I remember you … I hope you don’t practice as soon as possible … I left you too much. I have to tell a winner in the future …"
Virtual closed tunnel disappear Yun Ting has left the grave.
Seeing this, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, this Yun Ting sister cast some secret method to bring Yun Ting back.
If you really continue to call Sumo, there is not much means. The secret of violet’s real body will definitely be hidden.
Su Mo’s brow showed a trace of fatigue.
It is also a huge consumption for other Yuan gods to release three Yuan gods’ occult skills in a row and prompt the release of five ignorance fire.
The conciseness of his former Yuan gods would never have been possible if the two Yuan gods, Violet Dragon and Phoenix, had not merged and cultivated the Prajna Nirvana Sutra to temper them.
Yun Ting’s departure from jade is easy for Su Mo.
But he didn’t choose to get the jade symbol first, but turned around and rushed towards another battlefield.
On the other hand, Tang Ziyi is already in danger!
Su Mo and Yun Ting fought against each other, and three middle-aged Taoist priests launched a stormy offensive against Tang Ziyi and never stopped.
Tang Ziyi’s shoulder was broken, and more than a dozen wounds were dripping with blood. One leg was also discounted, and he stumbled and could fall at any time!
But Tang Ziyi pursed her lips and never uttered a sound even though she was in great pain.
She knows that Su Mo and Yun Ting are the top Uber fights in the first world war.
If she cries out in pain, Su Mo is bound to be distracted and is likely to be beheaded by Yun Ting on the spot!
Tang Ziyi felt dizzy and her vision became blurred.
She really can’t hold on.
"get out!"
Just then, a roar suddenly sounded like a thunder exploding in her ear, which contained a kind of calm and concentration.
Just like the warm spring breeze blowing over the Yuan God, the warm sunshine pouring into the sea of knowledge refreshed her spirit and restored her consciousness.
This roaring Su Mo moved the power of Buddhism and Taoism.
It’s Su Mo’s weakness at this time, and the roar effect is extremely limited, which can make Tang Ziyi wake up temporarily.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
As soon as Su Mo roared into the battlefield, he raised his hand and raised his hand. The bald monk tower, the male middle-aged Taoist, and the three tianjiao met and broke into a bloody collision!
Three Tianjiao were shaken back by Su Mobu!
Bald monk three glances can see each other’s eyes in horror.
The Su Mo Yun Ting broke out in such a fierce war that all kinds of card means were released, and now there is still room for them to shake hard!
In fact, Su Mo is already a spent force at this time.
After soaring, there has never been a monk of the same rank who pushed him to this point.
But even so, relying on violet, he can suppress most of the ninth-order Xuanxian!
"He Yuan Shen is weak and attacks him Yuan Shen!"